Friday, April 30, 2010

Spending on Sports

A total of $417 million is expected to be spent this year on young people and sports as least that is what the 2010 National Budget says. But is this money directly benefiting our thousands of young people?

Is there adequate funding for games, sports, recreational activities, sports clubs?
Here is the answer. We have dissected the $417 million and examine what this money will be spent on for the remaining of this year.

We found:
- No sporting programme will be funded
- No clubs are listed to be funded by government
- No new projects would be undertaken for sports and youth
- And, Government will not be funding any sporting groups’ participation in tournaments overseas.

It is all the in 2010 National Budget!

So what would the taxpayers money be spent on?:
- Out of the more than $400m, is given the PPP Lackey Neil Kumar managed National Sports Commission.
- This sum is expected to:
1. Complete the 2-year old National Swimming Pool,
2. Complete an athlete track (where was an athletic track being built, by whom and who tendered for it, what a strange allocation),
3. Rehabilitate and upgrade Colgrain Pool (same allocation was made in the 2009 National Budget, somebody is lying!)
4. Construct a fence for the National Sports Commission (but this Commission is housed in the Culture, Youth and Sports, do they mean that the Ministry needs a new fence? We are lost)
5. Construct a guard Hut in Compound of the National Gymnasium (well this is at least a $50 million contact!)
6. And finally, purchase sports gear and equipment (for whom really?)

To balance off the more than $400 million allocation-a pittance of $25 million would be spent on minor works on the Smythfield Drop in Centre, Construction of a trestle/bathroom at Madewini Youth Camp and ohhh purchase more equipment and sports gear.

As the government parades as one that championed the cause of Young people for more than 1 decade we would like to remind them of a few things that they have left out:
1. Durban Park is still a dream after millions of dollars from the Lotto Fund was spent to clear and sand fill it
2. Hundreds of play grounds and parks around the City have gone to waste
3. No cycling track yet
4. A synthetic track still to come for hockey etc
5. Tennis court and swimming pool are still under construction - more than two years for each
6. Mass migration of coaches and sports professionals continue and
7. Mass migration of athletes continue

Finally, lets all ask Lumumba to stop pretending to inject funds into Football Clubs and honestly do it. Save our youth.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The stink of corruption - II

A government that is deep seated in criminal activities can only reap the benefits of such while it must earn its negative image - yet become indignant and angry when it get's it well-deserved cries of "shame" from the world.

Transparency International, Business Monitor International, World Economic freedom - all of these have shown the picture of the corrrupt Government of Guyana. And yet what? Corruption continues and the President and ministers (without shame) blame the consultants and the report writers. Is everyone wrong? Is the entire world of independent professionals - all wrong on their condemnation of Guyana? Or is the handful of corrupt GoG officials, the bloated, corrupted office of the president, the criminal, corrupt minds of presidential advisers, and the group of jagdeoites all bent of filling their overseas accounts while the people of Guyana have to bear the shame of the Government's actions?

We have listed a number of multi-billon dollars scams over the years that have been linked to the PPP and more so the PPP Jagdeo administration.

We would not forgot the Death Squad links, Roger Khan and his Squad links, the links to a certain suit passing through the CJIA and two top officials one of them sits at Freedom House, the gun licensing links, fuel smuggling links, passport frauds and so many more.

Last year, several government ministers’ lives were said to be threatened and they hired personal security - we do not know who pays these security officers (some who are attached to the Office of the President and other former Police Officers).

But, what we know is that these ‘body guards’ have been deployed to give full protection at certain locations, excluding some public restaurants and public forum including Parliament and public days at their offices.

Jennifer Westford who dated the President’s close man was provided with two body guards after her ex-Baffa had allegedly threatened her several times. We understand that the real reason for the bodyguards were threats that emanated from a certain man who was the ex-body guard for our dear dear friend serving time overseas.

Priya Manickchand claimed to need a body guard after several men made sexual overtures to her in public.

Leslie Ramsammy was given several Presidential Guards for protection after his contact with our dear dear friend was made public

Manzoor Nadir had two body guards when his name was linked to drugs in a taxi several years ago, now we understand that he requested several police officers at his home and homes of families after a grenade attack at his son’s home.

Ashni Singh requested personal security after his life was threatened by a member of staff at the Finance Ministry (but he later declined).

Brave Brave Boxing-Promoter-land-dealer-mining-dealer-dolphin-dealer Odinga Lumumba had has to hire four men to protect him as he is said to have large amounts of cash on him all the time. (must be the Lotto Funds to ensure empowerment, or did he sell a dolphin or, wait, a piece of land)

Kwame McKoy, not a MINISTER but a Royal Object hired a body guard following the release of the infamous Kwame/Julius tape, he felt that someone was out to get him - and we thought Aubrey Norton was a creature?

How does Roger Lunchoen feel about all this, he is the keeper of secrets after all!

One day...

IF they have nothing to be afraid of… we wonder...

Another floating wharf

When a more than $500 million wharf floats away who or what is to be blamed?

Yesterday afternoon, residents of Essequibo River though the earth was moving before they realized that the million dollar, new White elephant was moving away from them!
Built by Royal Subject BK International more than three years ago, the said facility was disowned by several ministries!

The firm known for being awarded several healthy contracts, built the wharf with several defects, but who is to be blamed when Consultants are scamps too?

The government apparently spent the money, had the wharf built, refused to accept it, and now the lonely facility decided to float off.

Another tax payer millions gone to waste on a facility that may never be used- as we all HAIL the KING!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Guyana plunges to the bottom - again

World-wide analysis has been done to show the economic rating of Guyana and the Caribbean-American Forum has headlined "Guyana plunges to bottom of recent economic freedom ratings"

"According to the compilation released this week, Haiti is placed at 147 on the overall list, with Guyana at 155 and scored 48.4, making its economy the 155th freest in the 2009 Index of 183 economies examined." The Forum commented.

We quote extensively from the "2010 Index of economic Freedoms" as follows:

World Rank: 153 Regional Rank: 27 of 29 (Guyana)

Guyana’s economic freedom score is 48.4, making its economy the 153rd freest in the 2010 Index. Its overall score remains the same as last year because improvements in three of the 10 economic freedoms were offset by declines in investment freedom and property rights. Guyana is ranked 27th out of 29 countries in the South and Central America/Caribbean region, and its overall score is well below the world and regional averages.

Guyana does not perform well in any of the 10 economic freedoms and is slightly above the world average only in labor freedom and monetary freedom. Average economic growth over the past five years has been only about 3 percent, lagging behind other developing countries.

Long-standing constraints on overall economic freedom include property rights protected only erratically under the weak rule of law and widespread corruption in all areas of government. The biggest barrier to development is Guyana’s oversized government, with expenditures that often exceed half of GDP. Significant restrictions on foreign investment, combined with an inefficient bureaucracy, substantially depress the entrepreneurial environment.

Guyana is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, and its state-dominated economy, dependent mainly on agriculture and mining, has been stagnant for many years. Violent crime and drug trafficking are serious concerns.

Business Freedom 63.4
Despite some progress, the overall freedom to conduct a business remains restricted by Guyana’s regulatory environment. Starting a business takes about the world average of 35 days. Obtaining a business license requires less than the world average of 18 procedures, but closing a business can be costly.

Trade Freedom 71.3
Guyana’s weighted average tariff rate was 6.9 percent in 2008. Import restrictions, import taxes, import-licensing requirements for a relatively large number of products, burdensome standards and regulations, inefficient customs administration, weak intellectual property rights enforcement, inadequate infrastructure, and corruption add to the cost of trade. Fifteen points were deducted from Guyana’s trade freedom score to account for non-tariff barriers.

Fiscal Freedom 55.9
Guyana has relatively high tax rates. The top income tax rate is 33.3 percent, and the top corporate tax rate is 45 percent. Other taxes include a property tax and a value-added tax (VAT). Excise taxes on fuel were temporarily suspended in 2008. In the most recent year, overall tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was 35.7 percent.

Government Spending 26.2
Total government expenditures, including consumption and transfer payments, are high. Privatization of state-owned enterprises has achieved mixed results. Poor management of public expenditures has led to persistent fiscal deficits. In the most recent year, government spending equaled 49.6 percent of GDP.

Investment Freedom 30.0
Guyana has been moving toward a more welcoming environment for foreign investors, but major foreign investments receive intense political scrutiny in an economy still dominated by the state.

Financial Freedom 40.0
Guyana’s underdeveloped financial system remains plagued by inefficiency and a poor institutional framework. High credit costs and scarce access to financing remain barriers to more dynamic entrepreneurial activity. The percentage of loans that are considered non-performing is a relatively high 14 percent.

Freedom From Corruption 26.0
There is extensive corruption at every level of law enforcement and government. Public officials are required to disclose their assets to an Integrity Commission before assuming office, but the commission had not been constituted as of mid-2009. Widespread corruption undermines poverty-reduction efforts by international aid donors and discourages foreign investors.

The CAF noted, "The size of the Jagdeo government was also slammed, being deemed the biggest barrier to development since expenditures exceed the gross domestic product (GDP)."

Of course the two doctors (Ashni and Jagdeo) can only spin doctor their way through his one. Expect full Prem-Misirable and Randyitis to be in the papers for the next weeks, doing articles for the non-selling chronicle and sending those articles as letters to the other media...spin! Spin Doctors.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Press Releases Press Release - Dr. Mahendra Chand

Press Release

I received a letter dated April 20th from the Medical Council regarding the decision of the Medical Council on the case of Dr. Mahendra Chand.

Dr. Chand was investigated by the Medical Council for Professional Misconduct in the case of a young man that was allegedly "tortured" by police officers.

Without prejudice to that case, the Medical Council found that Dr. Chand was guilty of professional misconduct.

The Council has recommended censure of Dr. Chand under the Medical Practitioners Act.

The Act states that the council can "Censure him" for anyone found guilty of professional misconduct.

This is a serious action taken against the doctor.

As Minister of Health, I am not in the habit of disagreeing with the Medical Council or any of the other regulatory bodies. I believe the Council has done a thorough investigation and has considered all aspects of this case.

They have sent a serious message to medical practitioners in Guyana. I believe the Council has established the protocol that would reduce the chances of success when those who the Council have censured and suspended in the past approached the courts to reverse the Council's action.

I would like the thank the council for their work on this case. I am giving my No Objection to the Council to carry out the recommendation.

The doctor in question is seconded to the police by the Georgetown Public Hospital. I believe the GPHC might want to consider any other action it might deem necessary.

Dr. Leslie Ramsammy
Minister of Health
April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

As the Earthly One returns

We are rambling dangerously....on this special day:

As the Earthly one returns to Guyana, his worshippers are gathering at the Airport to welcome and worship him. Gerry Gouveia's invitation to the corporate world invited all to join him in the pilgrimage to the airport to receive The Big Ego. The Ministers, the Advisers, the soup drinkers, the account holders, the contract receivers - will all be driving hummers and prados and other SUVs to the airport tonight....polluting the air with their gas guzzlers while their environmental hero arrives in a cloud of pollution into his loving crowd of corruption.

No sweat! We dont begrudge the man for his award that was made on the backs of lying about the forests and the amerindians while sharing the profits from selling dolphins, mining concessions and large blocks of land and properties to Boyer, Gouveia,Brassington, Yong, Ramroop etc. No sweat at all!

But remember that while he is sashaying across the world, zipping from one country to another, we sweat it out in Guyana. Taking licks from the police, paying 16% VAT and 33% income tax on our earnings. No, no sweat that the Mighty Ego will be riding high in the next couple of weeks. After all, all the awards and degrees are like the presidency - fake, just paper awards - no real work done.

Caution to Kissoon, Christofer Ram, Ramjattan etc etc... watch out.... the Mighty Ego will be riding high during the next couple of days. He will lash out about Lumumba and its terrible indictment on him. He will lash out at the kaieteur and stabroek and will cut off ads.

He will lash out at the PNC, AFC, the UG protest and anyone who dares to criticize....sigh...those whom the Gods want to destroy they first make them mad.

Double sigh....But the cunning ways will continue as the $50-million hydro, $17-million road, $37 million cable and countless contracts will be awarded just like he has been. The stink of corruption is rising to high heaven. Welcome home oh mighty ego.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A US$15-million man and his bodyguard

Two pictures of a US$15-worth Fip and his bodyguard.

Surveying the market while Ashni decides what to do with the G$77-million per year unaccounted "consultant money" and Jagdeo decides what to do with the 2010 lotto funds before the case is called to court.

The stink of corruption!

Finally someone woke up and smelled the stink of corruption. Hats off to Desmond Trotman and his lawyers. I vote the "citizen of Guyana" award to Desmond!

Well known WPA Activist Desmond Trotman has sued the government for not paying the Lotto Funds into the Consolidated Fund- we all know and as stated in the media these monies were being spent without the necessary Parliamentary Approval. Well parliament be damned, spent without even any care for accountability!

When King Jagdeo on his Cabinet Outreaches would give away a $50 million here and a $20 million there. These exclude the millions prepaid for pipes, pharmaceuticals, rooms at hotels, Limo at Miami, etc.

Even the PNC (which has denounced this act many many times) could not muster up the courage and will to take this matter to court-we wonder about the many lawyers in that party - maybe they are all beneficiaries of the lotto-unaccounted-free-flowing-money.

The Audit Office of Guyana has reported this illegal act many times in multiple reports. In its just recent report of the 2008 accounts, the Auditor General (which is co-headed by the wife of the Finance Minister) said:

“The Contingencies Fund continued to be abused with amounts totaling $670.343 million drawn from the Fund being utilized to meet expenditure that DID NOT meet the ELIGIBILITY criteria as defined in the ACT

Page 12 of the AG’s 2008 report also states that Expenditure in respect to services which by law are directly chargeable to the Consolidated Fund DO NOT form part of the voted provisions approved by the National Assembly.

These expenditures include:
1. Repayment and servicing of Public Debt
2. Emoluments of holders of Constitutional Offices
3. Pensions and gratuities of Public Officers

The Financial Management Act spells out how and why exactly monies should be extracted from the Consolidated Fund.

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh in this case must show that “urgent, unavoidable and unforeseen NEED for the expenditure has arisen”, for which NO money can be reallocated as provided for under the FMA- or for which no money has been allocated for, or for which the sum allocated is not sufficient.

When the Minister does the above, this is to be tabled in the National Assembly. According to the 2008 AG Report more than 80 advances totaling more than $4 billion were drawn from the fund.

Of course, by the end of 2008, the Ministry of Finance could not account for more than 17 of those advances totaling more than $1 billion.

The Auditor General Deodat Sharma in his report said that his previous reports “highlighted the continual abuse of this fund”. The report listed several instances where monies were taken from the Fund showing wanton abuse. These included:

1.More than $200 million to the Public Works Ministry for support to the Transport and Harbour Department

2. More than $180,000 million to the Guyana Defense Force

3. More than $77 million to the Finance Ministry for Consultancy

4. More than $72 million to the Home Affairs Ministry for Carifesta expenses

These are only a few sums that were captured by the AG Office for 2008. One can only wonder what took place in 2009!

We congratulate Desmond Trotman for the long awaited move as we await the outcome of this court matter.

We take this opportunity to caution Desmond, Ram and Fitzpatrick - look our for nasty 'letter' on your wife (or wives), girlfriends, cars, any duty free if you ever had, any tax free if you ever had, any fetish if you ever had....and of course even if you didn't have, they will now get dirty.